电容式液位变送器:供热外管网分布式混水机组供热应用 |
信息来源: 液位计厂家 | 2020-04-09 点击量: 7125 |

There are two ways to connect the external heating pipe network and the heat users: indirect connection and direct connection. Among them, indirect connection is more common in the heat exchange station or at the entrance of the heat user to use plate heat exchanger heat exchange unit for heat exchange. This way requires the construction of a special heat exchange station room, with large investment in equipment and civil engineering. There are three types of direct connections:
1. There is no mixing device connection, that is, the hot water from the external network directly enters the heating system and then is delivered to the user's home, which is suitable for small heating system, and the application conditions are limited;
Direct connection of water injector, which is simple in structure, but requires a certain pressure difference between water supply and return;
The direct connection of the mixing water pump needs to increase the mixing water pump, which will consume a certain amount of electric energy. With the popularization and application of variable frequency water pump, the advantages of this method are emerging. At present, there are many heating systems in China that adopt this connection method. The direct connection of the mixing pump is also called the mixing system.
Principle of the mixed water system: the mixed water system is generally set in the basement of the thermal entrance of each building unit. Its principle is to mix the return water from the user end with the secondary water supply from the external heating network through the mixed water bypass pipe. Application of liquid level transmitter: heating mode of distributed mixed water unit and traditional heating system
系列隔膜式液位变送器采用国际先进水平的扩散硅传感器芯体,配合高精度电子元件,经过激光调阻和温度补偿,线形补偿、信号放大、V/I转换、压力过载限流等工艺过程严格装配而成,并通过长期老化及稳定性等工艺考核。具有抗过压、过流、反向、雷击和电磁干扰等功能。适用于敞开溶液的液位测量,石油、化工、煤矿、电力、水利、医药、食品、轻纺等领域对气体、液体压力自动化测量、液位测量与控制等其他所有工业场合。同时是一款性价比相当高的产品。可根据客户需要带现场LED、LCD表头显示,并输出工业标准的(4-20)mA信号,0~100%线性指针表等。同时可根据客户要求提供智能HART通讯输出 |
1、液位变送器具有工作可靠、性能稳定等特点; 2、专用V/I集成电路,外围器件少,可靠性高,维护简单、轻松,体积小、重量轻,安装调试极为方便; 3、铝合金压铸外壳,三端隔离,静电喷塑保护层,坚固耐用; 4、4-20mA DC二线制信号传送,抗干扰能力强,传输距离远; 5、LED、LCD、指针三种指示表头,现场读数十分方便。可用于测量粘稠、结晶和腐蚀性介质; 6、高准确度,高稳定性。除进口原装传感器已用激光修正外,对整机在使用温度范围内的综合性温度漂移、非线性进行精细补偿。 |
工业自动变送器厂家是在工业生产过程中,对工艺参数进行检测、显示、记录或控制变送器厂家。 工艺生产过程的检测是了解和控制工业生产的基本手段,只有在任何时刻都能准确地了解工艺过程的全貌,并进行控制,才能保证生产过程顺利,并以高的生产率、小的消耗生产出合格的产品, 华恒变送器厂家研发出传感器和智能电路板两项核心技术,不仅所有产品的核心部件技术全部掌握,工业自动变送器厂家的精确度也在不断提高,由0.2级提高到0.1级。还可通过对所掌握核心技术进行延伸,变形出测流量、测温度的其他产品。