信息来源: 华恒技术:029-81488663 | 2020-12-24 点击量: 7738

双法兰式压力变送器_微差液位计执行的质保标准 就是差压液位计原理,利用液位高低的压差的原理。 双法兰液位计的结构原理:其是由测量膜片与两侧绝缘片上的电极各组成一个电容器。 当两侧压力不一致时,致使测量膜片产生位移,此线路检测叠加在4-20mA信号的数字信号,并通过回路传送所需信息。其位移量和压力差成正比,故两侧电容量就不等,通过振荡和解调环节,转换成与压力成正比的信号。HH高精度差压变送器 微差液位计仪表





In order to ensure the safety of the operator, instrument and system, please read the precautions carefully and operate in strict accordance with the safety regulations. Our company will not be responsible for any loss caused by the user's violation of the operation rules.

HH高精度差压变送器_微差压液位计运输维护的安全方式 请注意下列事

Please pay attention to the following


(a) The installation of this instrument requires special engineers or technicians. If the working liquid temperature is too high, be careful of the high temperature of the sensor body and shell to avoid scalding.


Be careful not to come into contact with the body or the exhaust valve when using the instrument, so as not to be in danger of being in contact with the exhaust valve.


Due to residual process fluids may be toxic or harmful. Avoid direct contact with the fluid and the inside of the instrument when removing the instrument from a potentially hazardous process


)The wiring of this instrument shall be installed by special engineers and technicians. Please make sure that the voltage between the instrument and the power supply is within the working range of the instrument before the power supply can be connected. After power failure, wait for 3 minutes before opening the cover in the explosion site.


c) Be careful to avoid structural changes or leakage of connections during maintenance. Dry and soft cloth shall be used to leave dust and foreign matters on the display glass and board to keep the instrument display and nameplate clear and visible.


HH高精度差压变送器 微差液位计仪表

数显差压式密度计 隔膜式差压密度仪表是工业过程控制中最为常用的一种液位检测仪表,其广泛应用于各种自控系统,如航空航天、军工、石化、化工、油井、电力、船舶、建材、管道等众多行业。一般用在液体的液位或差压/压力的测量。

华恒仪表制造作为西北地区的密度测量控制的生产厂家,在立足西安在线式密度生产研发的厂家,是西北地区少数的可以同时生产微差压/差压传感变送器的电路板.金属电容传感器/扩散硅原理传感器的厂家.依托雄厚的原西安仪表厂家的生产工艺和技术.HH高精度差压变送器 微差液位计仪表

 HH高精度差压变送器_微差压液位计运输维护的安全方式 保管本仪表时应注意遵守下列事项,

The following items should be observed when keeping the instrument,


Especially for long-term preservation.


(1) The storage place should meet the following conditions to avoid rain. Little shock and vibration. ·Meet the following temperature and humidity


Temperature: without built-in indicator - 40 ~ 85 ° C; with built-in indicator - 30 ~ 80 ° C

HH高精度差压变送器 微差液位计仪表

华恒仪表的技术工作者认为.华恒企业借专业技术优势,可靠稳定的产品质量,坚持zun大限度的满足用户的需求是企业发展的动力源泉,以优质专业的服务为我国电力、石油、化工、冶金、水泥、矿业、市政、造纸等行业提供了高性能价格比的工业自动化仪表产品。HH高精度差压变送器 微差液位计仪表


Humidity: 5-95% RH relative humidity (40 ℃ C) should keep normal temperature and humidity (25 ° C, 65 ‰% RH up and down).


(2) Try to keep the product in the original packing state.


